
to Yalagan Group Training (GTO)

Yalagan Group Training or YGT as we are known, is a leading Indigenous Group Training Organisation (GTO). With a strong track record of working within the community, working with Government agencies, and also supporting small to large organisations.

We take a supportive step with our partners as part of a dynamic and culturally safe ecosystem within Yalagan Group since 2017. We are not a labour hire company.

As a GTO we take pride in providing our clients unique & tailored solutions specific for their workforce by offering low risk options to engage and develop new staff members as a host employer for the duration of the apprenticeship/traineeship term.

When you engage an apprentice/trainee through YGT we take the hassle of recruitment, payroll, management and paperwork away so you can focus on training and building your workforce.

Our story is unique, and our focus is always candidate driven.

  • We focus on long term transitional empowerment & employment opportunities for candidates of all ages and from different backgrounds with a key focus towards Indigenous and the underrepresented
  • We bring new people into industries and or retrain and upskill existing workforces with new skills and trades
  • We support our clients with their long-term vision in a demanding labour market.